The Pyramid Tamer
Stuart L. Hart is the President and Founder of Enterprise for a Sustainable World. He is also the Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University. Author of the book Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities in Solving the World’s Most Difficult Problems, he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the”base of the pyramid economic theory”. With CK. Prahalad, Hart wrote the path-breaking 2002 article ‘The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid’, which provided the first articulation of how business could profitably serve the needs of the four billion people living in poverty in the developing world. Base of the pyramid is now such a well-known idea it is known by the diminutive — BOP. Hart believes we need a new form of capitalism that will lift the world away from where it is hanging now — on the edge of a precipice. Hart has served as consultant, advisor, or management educator for dozens of corporations and organisations including Dupont, General Electric, Wal Mart, the World Economic Forum, and the Clinton Global Initiative.
With Ted London, Hart is also the author of a newly released book entitled Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid.